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Home > english-chinese > "head (library)" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "head (library)"


Related Translations:
code library:  代码库代码链接库
contributed library:  汇集型程序库
music library:  音乐库音乐图书馆
library club:  图书馆学会
library trends:  图书馆趋向
educational library:  教育图书馆
calling library:  调用库程序
library subprogram:  程序库子程序库存辅程序库存子程序
dark library:  黑暗图书馆
digital library:  数字化图书馆,电子图书馆数字化图书馆,数字图书馆,[台]数位图书馆,电子图书馆,[港]数码图书馆虚拟图书馆
Similar Words:
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